Why You Need a CPA to Prepare Your Taxes

CPA preparing your taxes

Gathering the necessary financial documents to prepare for tax season is a common occurrence as we reach the end of the year. Many individuals choose to partner with local tax preparation companies to handle the complexities of preparing for taxes. However, choosing to reach out to a certified public account (CPA) is often an excellent option that offers a variety of benefits.

Here are a few of the top reasons to consider using a CPA to prepare your taxes.

Professional Experts

One of the main advantages of using a CPA is that it gives you access to professionals that undergo the latest training to provide the best services available. A CPA also must take continuing education courses each year to stay in compliance and keep his or her license. You will have peace of mind by partnering with professionals with extensive knowledge of tax laws.

Access to Tax Records

The majority of tax preparation software services will keep a copy of your return but will often not keep supporting documentation. However, gaining access to these additional documents is important if you are ever dealing with the IRS. A CPA will keep all of these additional documents on file for at least seven years before they can be discarded, which makes it much easier to access these documents at any time.

Save You Money

Using a CPA to handle your taxes helps you stay up to date with the latest tax laws. These professionals can save you a lot of money over the long-term while also avoiding any mistakes while filing your taxes. A CPA can also play a key role in providing audit defense services if you are ever dealing with a state or an IRS audit.

Always Available

One of the drawbacks of using local tax preparation services is that they are often unavailable after tax season. On the other hand, you can always contact a CPA if you have any questions or need additional support. A CPA is especially beneficial if you are self-employed or if you own a small business.

Reach Out Us to Learn More

McClure & Stewart Tax Resolutions offers tax relief services for clients in the Salt Lake City area. We can give you legal guidance on a variety of tax-related issues, whether you owe back taxes, have unfiled returns, are under audit, and much more. Our team of professionals will review your situation to provide you with the best legal services available. Contact us today to learn more about our tax attorney consultation services!